de life full wif fun makes ppl smile
so,y don oways stay in fun?!?
i knw we r hard to control de situation
but we can bring ourself to de fun
avoid from de things tat makes u sad n moody
although der was "her" news make me unhappy lastweek
but it's not taking long time for me
i'm very happy to stay wif all my frenzZ here
especially my housemates n my close frenzZ
i really really happy in tis period of time(i mean after bck to cbu)
skul start omost 3 weeks dy
n i'm happy avday~
we gather to chat
we went to KTV
we went to supper
done de stupid action,lyk de stupid guys
even just a small thing
but,we all stay in laugh ^0^
i'm really happy
thanx a lotzZZ..
de life full wif fun makes ppl smile
so,y don oways stay in fun?!?
i knw we r hard to control de situation
but we can bring ourself to de fun
avoid from de things tat makes u sad n moody
although der was "her" news make me unhappy lastweek
but it's not taking long time for me
i'm very happy to stay wif all my frenzZ here
especially my housemates n my close frenzZ
i really really happy in tis period of time(i mean after bck to cbu)
skul start omost 3 weeks dy
n i'm happy avday~
we gather to chat
we went to KTV
we went to supper
done de stupid action,lyk de stupid guys
even just a small thing
but,we all stay in laugh ^0^
i'm really happy
thanx a lotzZZ..
i'm taking tis photo quiet when jackson is sleeping in library.good post rite?
i thk u knw tis 2 guys..dey act lyk gay..really fun..wahaha~
c wat r dey doing in de shopping mall?