Just taken my bath
and busy uploading photos and updating my blog
i'm very happy today
stayed with my Darling LaoGong and friends for a whole day
eat McD lah..spent the time in Sanyan lah...
we went to Lantern street
the square in front of Sanyan fulled with crowd
let's show u some photos, then you will know...
many lanterns fully decorative along the road, that why i call it lantern street
Green peacock
big big lantern
1Malaysia with bubbles
(so romantics standing there with my darLing LaoGong, cause got bubbles bah, muahaha....)
whole lighting shinny Swan
White shinny swan
Swan made up with recycle bottles + lighting
Khim, Duncan, Kelvin and Shyan
Gathered with AhNong after we leave from the square
didn't meet with ahNong for a long time
just late come back home
sigh..need to sleep soon~
tomorrow need to work again

i'm very happy today
stayed with my Darling LaoGong and friends for a whole day
eat McD lah..spent the time in Sanyan lah...
we went to Lantern street
the square in front of Sanyan fulled with crowd
let's show u some photos, then you will know...

(so romantics standing there with my darLing LaoGong, cause got bubbles bah, muahaha....)

Gathered with AhNong after we leave from the square
didn't meet with ahNong for a long time
just late come back home
sigh..need to sleep soon~
tomorrow need to work again

Wishing u guys,
Happy mooncake festival!!!