1st time wen 2 KL,wif Bernard n Jackson
afternoon flight frm cbu on 28th dec,09
ZhongSheng met us in d airport
we overnite at zhong sheng hse(in banting)for 2 nites__xcept Bernard-he wen 2 KL met chris
ZhongSheng's daddy is a pastor,so we were in church in this christmas eve
i met LongHan in de church
der started at 8pm,finished ard at 10.30pm
tat's my 1st time wen to churh so late
it's a small church,bt de atmosphere was nt bad
der got de chirstmas shows

after tat,Jackson n me wen 4 supper wif Han's family
his brother n mum so cute
dey r lyk de frenz,anythg can talk,anythg can do
i stil r'ber,Han's mummy talk wif a kick action 2 his brother
haha..so fun~
dey ordered sum delicious foods:noodle made up of Manioc flour(sorry,i cant r'ber de name,bt nice,QQ de),honey crab,n frogs(1st time i ate frog)
tat's all 4 de 1st day i in KL
P/s: 4gt 2 mention a stupid egg~BernardLee_he was took de wrong bus n he was fall asleep in de bus n 4gt to go down..haha~really a "egg"
we wen 2 church in de early morning wif ZhongSheng's family
der had a Baptism ceremony,de 1st time i saw tis ceremony
den,we wen 2 an indian churh member h'se 4 lunch
dey provided de main dish-lyk de miHoon(4gt de name,it's made in a round shape,bt it is thin dn miHoon),de mix of plum(donno wat's de name),curry chicken,lamb,spicy sotong(cuk by han's mummy
yummy yummy~
after tat,ZhongSheng,Han,Jackson n me wen 2 putrajaya
it's a planning city
der has a lot of great building,bt no much ppl_doesnt lyk a city

den,we wen 2 a park
der has a man-made lake.de water is very clean.ZhongSheng said de water have been filtered
we wen 2 SunwayPyramid
it's a big shopping mall,full wif crown
we juz shop for 1 floor,we were tired
der was a thing makes me disgraced
my phone was no bac,i 4gt to recharge lastnite
i tot i'm lost frm dem,so i decided to find de public phone to call dem,bt actually dey r following at my back
paiseh..bt i realized tat der is hard to find a public phone in SunwayPyramid
Jackson n me stay in hostel from 30th dec
bern,chris n ah liang met us in de hotel
ah liang was in KL too
actually he was in h'day wif his family in Langkawi
bt his daddy was sick,so dey stay in KL(his daddy wen 4 body check)
i bought a new handphone,N6210 classic at LowYard
my N70 dropped into de water lasttime T.T
u can find o de computer n electronic things in LowYard
i wen many shopping malls in tis trip^^
SungeiWang,TimeSquare,Midvalley,Pavillion,Lot 10...
de shopping mall i lyk most is SungeiWang
o de clothes at der are very cheap
i spent a lot $ der
n i'm caling 2 my dad 2 send me de $ for 3 times for tis trip =P
hehe~n 1 more thing
Jackson n me lost in Midvalley cz we wen 2 another shopping mall called Gardens(i thk_4gt de name)
it's linked wif midvalley
of cz i wen 2 Chi Chong Kai(CCK)oso,n de PasarSeni
CCK is jz lyk de pasar malam,but it is bigger den pasar malam lah~
full wif crown,n der is hot too..makes me dizzy~
i don lyk CCK
i took a lot of delicious foods oso
T.T bcum fat liao >.<

we decided 2 go Genting on 28th dec,bt no bus ticket 4 us
so we buk 4 de ticket 2 go 2 Genting on 31/12/2008
we go Genting by bus.
wen we arrived de half of de mountain, we ned to use skyway 2 go 2 Genting.
b4 get in de skyway,3 of us lyk de egg(cz we not donno de entrance)jz folo de others
we pulled by some1 2 take de photo
n we should pay de photo RM30
so funny..3 of us spent de $ 2 buy unneccesry photo~wahaha~stupid~
we in de skyway~getting higher n higher frm de grd
wen we were der,i realized tat der was nt very cold.
jz lyk u face 2 air-con
de 1st place we found was Kashino
Jackson n me r below 21 years old,so we cannot in
Bern wen 4 a round
he told us der was min.chips,RM50 in Kashino~
wah~if i got de chance,i wan 2 play slot machine
den,we wen 2 outdoor theme park
we play a lot of game
i'm timid.i scared 2 play de roller coaster
after de outdoor game,we wen 2 indoor
der was raining outside,so o de game was stopped
de weather changed
it was cold
we can felt tat de cloud was surrounding us
der was no much game inside
we only interested wif bumper car
we play many round on it
i hate tat bus driver in KL
make me not feeling good
i felt dizzy,wan 2 vomit
we wen 2 SungeiWang 4 countdown
o de ppl r crazy
dey hold a bottle of spray
dey sprayed out de foam on de ppl
3 of us sprayed by dem too
der was a lot of rubbish on de floor,all r de empty bottle of de spray
full on de floor
der had a live show
i saw Daniel Lee
Nicholas Tiong oso der,but i did't saw him
dey prepared de firework 4 de countdown
i thk tat's all for my h'day in KL
more photo_view my profile in friendster n facebook^^