December 31, 2009
December 28, 2009
Shopping n Explanade
i went Bintang plaza shopping y'day wif fook, Zaizai, teddyBear, yung n hong^^
busy shopping for a whole afternoon
quite tired~~ XD
paiseh to let de boys waiting for hong n me to shop ;p
sorry sorry^^
on de way omost arriving home
i had a plan to go to Explanade suddenly
fook, Zaizai, teddyBear n me went der
ya rite~just for delicious chicken wing
~~yummy yummy~~
n i saw some guys playing de kite at de seaside
Really admire to have a skill~~
busy shopping for a whole afternoon
quite tired~~ XD
paiseh to let de boys waiting for hong n me to shop ;p
sorry sorry^^
i had a plan to go to Explanade suddenly
fook, Zaizai, teddyBear n me went der
ya rite~just for delicious chicken wing
~~yummy yummy~~
n i saw some guys playing de kite at de seaside
Really admire to have a skill~~
December 27, 2009
December 24, 2009
[~Limbang Trip~]
A 'memorial' trip to Limbang..
y'day i went to Limbang wif my family for a wedding dinner....
don have chance to meet Jun Xian der >.<
at least i met Hong der...
jz for 1 nite, Hong showed de Limbang^^
it is a small town in a side of a river which has many different views from de hill
it seem lyk surrounded by de hill as we go up to de hill by many ways
especially de GordenHill it is really high
i can slightly felt de pressure we went up de hill n enjoying de nitez views
It's too bad tat i 4gt bring my camera >.<
haiz.. .. ..
midnite--bck to hotel
din bring my laptop
so,keep msging n chating wif frenz
until phone no bac
until i fall sleep.................
i went to brunei tis morning b4 bck to miri
enjoying shopping in TheMall
but just for a while
not 'shuang' >.<
cz we ned bck to miri early
Daddy said de customs mayb would full wif car if we bck to Miri late
hastiness trip =(
December 22, 2009
December 18, 2009
de beginning of 2009 yr end h'day
i'm here just 1 to share wif u my beginning of de h'day
My juniors come to Miri for h'day b4 dey bck to deir hometown
Many places we had visited^^wakaka...
1st, de Lambir Waterfall~~
we need to walk into a jungle 1st b4 reach de waterfall
c kiat is so happy~~
Hong had been thrown into de water by my cousin, ZaiZai^^
all get wet
actually de 1st guy get wet is ZaiZai
den,he revenged to Kiat n Hong
dey 2 really unlucky,had been choosen as de target XD
Kiat only half wet, but Hong 100% wet wet...hehe^^
(none of us bring extra clothes)
after de waterfall, we went Explanade again..
but,no photos taken
so, can't show it here >.<
we went der just for chicken wing
it is really nice..
if u have de chance been der,u must try it^^
We went RexBox for Karaoke
we sang from 9pm until 3am
sang until "bo xia"..FUN~~
William is drunk..tired laid on de sofa^^
we oso had a trip to crocodile farm
we were surprised tat Miss.Lai oso come to Miri
we invited miss joined us to have nasi lemak for breakfast in Nagalia
den, we went to Petroleum Museum which located on CanadaHill
We went Bintang Plaza Shopping
n having donuts in BigApple....
Emmm....yummy yummy~~
We went HaiWaiTian for dinner
to celebrate Chin's n Gary's b'day
Odol it is stil early..
Pity enuf, Chin~~
Yeah~~tis is de b'day boys
Chin(9/12) n Gary(26/12)
photo taken lyk get married?!?lolx... >.<
Group photo after crazy playing in TamanAwam^^

Ann leaving Miri cz he has a singing competition in Mukah
no much fun,we went bowling~~

Dafu, Fook, Hong, Gary, William, Xuan n me had a trip to:
-Batu Niah
-Bekenu, and
we took de photos on de beach..
der were really nice,unlyk de beach in Miri..Kanasai!!
we were on de cliff
c de views is beautiful~~

it is long long journey~~
so wat we do in de car?!?
muahaha... ...
[narcissism] XD

we went JingWu for steak too
der is de famous shop in Miri to having steak
do u want to have a try?!?
[p/s: it is a shop i scared to go now...y?
cz i omost been der for 3 times within 1 week
1st time,i went der wif Xuan dem
2nd time, i went der wif Gary dem
3rd time, i went der wif Yue dem
luckily don have 4th time,actually it is wif Jackson dem
but i din go >.<]
Gary went bck to his hometown..
nothing much~~
we go Tanjung in de evening
just want to c de sunset
but unluckily...
der were clouds in de sky
we just saw de sun set in de clouds
Crazy again wif de photo taking..
especially de guy in red color t-shirt
"self photo taking" quite a lot
Shopping n shopping again...
We went Hopo for famous curry rice
we went Boulevard for famous Mango pudding
we went Bintang Plaza for famous waffer
we went for archery
it's cool~~

it was Saturday..
so, we decided to go clubbing =p
ZaiZai, Nilson, Brian, Fook, Hong, Chin, Ms. Lai, Song, Xuan n me
All get into Beer
do u knw who is get drunk?
hehe...tat's de secret on tat nite^^
After Xuan n Hong bck to deir hometown
joined ahWei,Jackson dem
until dey bck to deir hometown
same--went to the same place
Miri really is a small place..
haiz >.<
nothing much special
stop here
i'm here just 1 to share wif u my beginning of de h'day
My juniors come to Miri for h'day b4 dey bck to deir hometown
Many places we had visited^^wakaka...
1st, de Lambir Waterfall~~

c kiat is so happy~~

all get wet
actually de 1st guy get wet is ZaiZai
den,he revenged to Kiat n Hong
dey 2 really unlucky,had been choosen as de target XD
Kiat only half wet, but Hong 100% wet wet...hehe^^
(none of us bring extra clothes)
after de waterfall, we went Explanade again..
but,no photos taken
so, can't show it here >.<
we went der just for chicken wing
it is really nice..
if u have de chance been der,u must try it^^
We went RexBox for Karaoke
we sang from 9pm until 3am
sang until "bo xia"..FUN~~

we oso had a trip to crocodile farm

we invited miss joined us to have nasi lemak for breakfast in Nagalia
den, we went to Petroleum Museum which located on CanadaHill

n having donuts in BigApple....

to celebrate Chin's n Gary's b'day
Odol it is stil early..


Chin(9/12) n Gary(26/12)

Ann leaving Miri cz he has a singing competition in Mukah
no much fun,we went bowling~~

Dafu, Fook, Hong, Gary, William, Xuan n me had a trip to:
-Batu Niah
-Bekenu, and

der were really nice,unlyk de beach in Miri..Kanasai!!

c de views is beautiful~~

it is long long journey~~
so wat we do in de car?!?
muahaha... ...
[narcissism] XD

we went JingWu for steak too
der is de famous shop in Miri to having steak
do u want to have a try?!?

cz i omost been der for 3 times within 1 week
1st time,i went der wif Xuan dem
2nd time, i went der wif Gary dem
3rd time, i went der wif Yue dem
luckily don have 4th time,actually it is wif Jackson dem
but i din go >.<]
Gary went bck to his hometown..
nothing much~~
we go Tanjung in de evening
just want to c de sunset
but unluckily...
der were clouds in de sky
we just saw de sun set in de clouds
Crazy again wif de photo taking..
especially de guy in red color t-shirt
"self photo taking" quite a lot

We went Hopo for famous curry rice
we went Boulevard for famous Mango pudding
we went Bintang Plaza for famous waffer
we went for archery
it's cool~~

it was Saturday..
so, we decided to go clubbing =p
ZaiZai, Nilson, Brian, Fook, Hong, Chin, Ms. Lai, Song, Xuan n me
All get into Beer
do u knw who is get drunk?
hehe...tat's de secret on tat nite^^
After Xuan n Hong bck to deir hometown
joined ahWei,Jackson dem
until dey bck to deir hometown
same--went to the same place
Miri really is a small place..
haiz >.<
nothing much special
stop here
December 8, 2009
Really thanks to Tony!!
thx thx~~
donno how many times i say it to Tony
But i'm really wanna thanks to him dy
He was waiting for my panels until 3am lastnite
n he helped me print my panels in de early morning 8am
den sent it to skul b4 9am
really ma fan him tis time
Really proud to have tis frenz^^
really appreciated.. ..
Once again, Thanks to Tony!!!
donno how many times i say it to Tony
But i'm really wanna thanks to him dy
He was waiting for my panels until 3am lastnite
n he helped me print my panels in de early morning 8am
den sent it to skul b4 9am
really ma fan him tis time
Really proud to have tis frenz^^
really appreciated.. ..
Once again, Thanks to Tony!!!
December 7, 2009
Nervous for my panels >.<
i'm nervous wif my studio panels now
i received a call from Mr.Robin
He was angry abt Joshua n me haven submit our works
'Cham lo'..i even haven print it out >.<
He said he don1 mark to de panels after 9am 2mlo
really die lo for tis time
Jackson is not free to help me print out for 2day n 2mlo
Joshua was just print his panels out by using bus to go to de town
i called WongLung for help
but,she was on de way going to kch for h'day wif her family >.<
Finally, i called tony.. .. ..
he can help me to print my panels out n send it to skul
He is my hope now
if he din help,mayb i'll fail in my studio
but, de problem is
my panels r too big n i cant send it
i ned to upload it to a website
den,Tony just can dwld it from der
de line so 'Kanasai'!!!!!
de uploading cannot going smoothly >.<
plz lah~plz let me done it,ok?
i'm quite nervous now
wuwu.. .. .. :'(
Really regret to bck to Miri tat day.. .. ..
i received a call from Mr.Robin
He was angry abt Joshua n me haven submit our works
'Cham lo'..i even haven print it out >.<
He said he don1 mark to de panels after 9am 2mlo
really die lo for tis time
Jackson is not free to help me print out for 2day n 2mlo
Joshua was just print his panels out by using bus to go to de town
i called WongLung for help
but,she was on de way going to kch for h'day wif her family >.<
Finally, i called tony.. .. ..
he can help me to print my panels out n send it to skul
He is my hope now
if he din help,mayb i'll fail in my studio
but, de problem is
my panels r too big n i cant send it
i ned to upload it to a website
den,Tony just can dwld it from der
de line so 'Kanasai'!!!!!
de uploading cannot going smoothly >.<
plz lah~plz let me done it,ok?
i'm quite nervous now
wuwu.. .. .. :'(
Really regret to bck to Miri tat day.. .. ..
December 5, 2009
Bck to Miri wif Studio panels >.<
i planned to bck to miri later
8am bus from cbu to miri.. .. .. ..
actually i just finished my p5 panels
all models oso completed
but my studio panels not yet done >.<
i planned to do it in Miri
den, send it to Jackson to help me print it out
really dare to do it..
donno y?!?
Mayb i'm crazy dy
i din thk too much
just bck to miri wif studio panels >.<
8am bus from cbu to miri.. .. .. ..
actually i just finished my p5 panels
all models oso completed
but my studio panels not yet done >.<
i planned to do it in Miri
den, send it to Jackson to help me print it out
really dare to do it..
donno y?!?
Mayb i'm crazy dy
i din thk too much
just bck to miri wif studio panels >.<
December 1, 2009
♥ Sweet ♥
So sweet~~
* ♥ 谢谢 ♥ *
♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡
♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡
So sweet~~
* ♥ 谢谢 ♥ *
November 30, 2009
CA 2 final exam..Hahaha...
ah hahaha..
finally i really gif up to u >.<
de exam really coming soon
8.30am --de time to die............
i thk i only study for 10% of de tips tat given by Mr.Wong
i cant r'ber wat i had read thru
i donno how to solve de calculation
how m i gonna to sit for de exam?!?
finally i really gif up to u >.<
de exam really coming soon
8.30am --de time to die............
i thk i only study for 10% of de tips tat given by Mr.Wong
i cant r'ber wat i had read thru
i donno how to solve de calculation
how m i gonna to sit for de exam?!?
November 29, 2009
My Life is Suck!!
i really can't believe my life is totally suck now
no enuf sleep to do my works
but my works seem lyk stil many
de due date is near
it cannot b pass up on time >.<
CA2 exam on Monday
i even haven do de revision
frenz told me tat it's quite a lot to study
it makes me quite nervous now
wil i fail in tis exam?
all is halfly done
how can i finish it on time?
Nervous makes my brain empty now
wat shd i do....?
all empty.....
no enuf sleep to do my works
but my works seem lyk stil many
de due date is near
it cannot b pass up on time >.<
CA2 exam on Monday
i even haven do de revision
frenz told me tat it's quite a lot to study
it makes me quite nervous now
wil i fail in tis exam?
all is halfly done
how can i finish it on time?
Nervous makes my brain empty now
wat shd i do....?
all empty.....
November 28, 2009
who would stay in my side?
really stress now >.<
100% comfirmed can't finished my works
plus de CA2 final exam on Monday
i totally wanna gif up dy >.<
who would stay in my side?
de trust is far away..........
now, missing some1 here..
if he is bside me
mayb i wil feel better
100% comfirmed can't finished my works
plus de CA2 final exam on Monday
i totally wanna gif up dy >.<
who would stay in my side?
de trust is far away..........
now, missing some1 here..
if he is bside me
mayb i wil feel better
November 25, 2009
whr is my Handy Drive?!?
i'm doing my works now
tired n sleepy..zzZZ....
but no choice >.<
de due date is coming soon
n tis 2 nite time i went out gathering n have fun wif ahHow dem ;p
ahHow come here for 3 days
2mlo he wil take de bus bck to Bintulu again :(
no extra time for me if i'm not doing now
a BIG BIG problem here,
whr is my HandyDrive?!?
any1 c it?it is lost..
i can't r'ber who i bolo to or i lost it accidentally?!?
really blur, really 4gt >.<
i found it for many days dy
in my room,my hse n hostel
but disappointed, i still can't found it :'(
it's really important to me
my works is inside...
n i ned to submit it by nxt week
i don1 waste my time to redo my works
i even don't have enuf timezZ to complete it dy >.<
hey frenz..
plz pay attention to it ya~
it is in white color wif a key chain of letters: 'KHIM'
plz help me~
it is really important to me..
thx thx~~
tired n sleepy..zzZZ....
but no choice >.<
de due date is coming soon
n tis 2 nite time i went out gathering n have fun wif ahHow dem ;p
ahHow come here for 3 days
2mlo he wil take de bus bck to Bintulu again :(
no extra time for me if i'm not doing now
a BIG BIG problem here,
whr is my HandyDrive?!?
any1 c it?it is lost..
i can't r'ber who i bolo to or i lost it accidentally?!?
really blur, really 4gt >.<
i found it for many days dy
in my room,my hse n hostel
but disappointed, i still can't found it :'(
it's really important to me
my works is inside...
n i ned to submit it by nxt week
i don1 waste my time to redo my works
i even don't have enuf timezZ to complete it dy >.<
hey frenz..
plz pay attention to it ya~
it is in white color wif a key chain of letters: 'KHIM'
plz help me~
it is really important to me..
thx thx~~
November 19, 2009
works works works...
Just want to express:
y i have so many things to do?
seem lyk cannot finish all the works..
whr is de end point?!?
i can't stand anymore >.<
who can tell me, when can all of tis be ended?!?
i'm really stress right now..
no enuf sleep for me
i'm having heavy headachezZZ
n my mood changed..
Hot temper now
so, better not to challenge me, ok?!?
or else, i can't imaging tat
if i lost control.............
y i have so many things to do?
seem lyk cannot finish all the works..
whr is de end point?!?
i can't stand anymore >.<
who can tell me, when can all of tis be ended?!?
i'm really stress right now..
no enuf sleep for me
i'm having heavy headachezZZ
n my mood changed..
Hot temper now
so, better not to challenge me, ok?!?
or else, i can't imaging tat
if i lost control.............
November 18, 2009
^^[ Done ]^^
finally, i done my Ca2 assign
totally finished!!
i'm really happy now~~
2 days dy..
y i ned to take so long time to finish it? least i finished it^^
totally finished!!
i'm really happy now~~
2 days dy..
y i ned to take so long time to finish it? least i finished it^^
November 17, 2009
CA2 assign 2 >.<
i'm really moody now..
feel lyk wanna gif up to my Ca2 Assign2--Interim Certificate
it is really take my time >.<
i had done it for a whole day dy
but i stil can't finish it :(
now, no mood to continue it..................
Wat de @#$%?!?
how to calculate it?!?
wat de contractor or sub-contractor's works?
wat de profits?
whr de cost come from?!?
i really dunno whr to find it in de paper..
i have done it in 4 pages of solution dy, but it seem lyk haven completed
de paper omost turn to rotten...
y m i study for tis?!?
de que similiar to tis will out in de final exam, wat can i do?!?
really confused me >.<
DAMN!!! i HATE it!!!!
A day dy..a day i took my time to it
how abt my project 4?
if i used it for my museum design, sure i finished it dy..
November 16, 2009
Hello Panda~
November 13, 2009
November 12, 2009
Rushing for 3 projectsS..
nothing much..
it is de time for me to rush on my projectsS~
really regret to take de project 5 in tis sem..
if i'm take working drawing in tis sem, i thk i'll feel better
no idea for my studio research
even haven start my sketch up for project 5 n studio research
how abt my panels n models?!?
when m i going to start?!?
when all of tis wil b ended?!?
all r ned to b pass up on 25th NOV
wat m i shd do now?
no idea...............................
busy rushing for it in tis 2-3 weeks
avday face to de laptop
drawing autocad plan n de 3D sketch up for project 4
n dey r keep changing n changing..sign~
i'm headache..
my head is omost burst!!
i feel wanna gif up dy
help help~~
it is de time for me to rush on my projectsS~
really regret to take de project 5 in tis sem..
if i'm take working drawing in tis sem, i thk i'll feel better
no idea for my studio research
even haven start my sketch up for project 5 n studio research
how abt my panels n models?!?
when m i going to start?!?
when all of tis wil b ended?!?
all r ned to b pass up on 25th NOV
wat m i shd do now?
no idea...............................
busy rushing for it in tis 2-3 weeks
avday face to de laptop
drawing autocad plan n de 3D sketch up for project 4
n dey r keep changing n changing..sign~
i'm headache..
my head is omost burst!!
i feel wanna gif up dy
help help~~
November 5, 2009
November 4, 2009
Ayam married?!?

tis is de Groom,Ayam (Wong Shin Ann) on 13th,Oct
a BIG BIG news~
when ahHow called me n told me abt tis just now
n de photos on facebook oso proved it
i'm really be shocked
no enuf frenz lah~~
married oso diam diam de
i called him for de alan's b'day video n chat for a while lastime
he even didn't let me knw
really NO Heart de >.<

really lucky to married wif a beautiful gurL^_^
November 3, 2009
《He’s Just Not That Into You》
just look ard to my frenz's blog
i found tis meaningful post
try to have a read on tis...
~He’s Just Not That Into You~
izzit true?!?
if i have a time
sure i go for tis movie~~
i found tis meaningful post
try to have a read on tis...
~He’s Just Not That Into You~
izzit true?!?
if i have a time
sure i go for tis movie~~
we done de presentation to professor_Datuk mahmud_
really nervous than previous presentation we had b4
quite well i thk as we done it
de conversation between us with de professor is quite fun
works r lyk de hill....
can i?!?
can i stop for de fun n all de games?
i'm quite nervous now of having so much of works
avday omost sleep late n wake up early to do my works
but,not really have d ideas to do such projects
especially my studio research
n my project 5 details...
for my projects
just starting wif my sketchup
when can i start to do my panels?!?
3 models again >.<
submission date: end of Nov
well~~sleepy now
2mlo have to attend 8am class
must take a rest 1st..
really nervous than previous presentation we had b4
quite well i thk as we done it
de conversation between us with de professor is quite fun
works r lyk de hill....
can i?!?
can i stop for de fun n all de games?
i'm quite nervous now of having so much of works
avday omost sleep late n wake up early to do my works
but,not really have d ideas to do such projects
especially my studio research
n my project 5 details...
for my projects
just starting wif my sketchup
when can i start to do my panels?!?
3 models again >.<
submission date: end of Nov
well~~sleepy now
2mlo have to attend 8am class
must take a rest 1st..
November 2, 2009
UTM Professor come
UTM Professor come 2mlo....
actually is later..
hard to sleep..
presentation slide done
but lack of info.
it only has 7 slide including front page n thank you
how to present?!?
CA2 assign
Project 4
Project 5
Studio Research
planning planning
~~All haven done~~
help help help!!
actually is later..
hard to sleep..
presentation slide done
but lack of info.
it only has 7 slide including front page n thank you
how to present?!?
CA2 assign
Project 4
Project 5
Studio Research
planning planning
~~All haven done~~
help help help!!
October 31, 2009
Happy B'day to ahWei
Ya,tis is de BIRTHDAY BoY~~ahWei~~
ahWei, Yue, Yung n me
4 of us went to pizza hut for ahWei's 21 years b'day celebration
cannot determine it was lucky or unlucky for us
we parked de car in de basement
we walked to de lobby for de lift
for a long time we waiting for de lift
yung listen on de lift door
"ting", de lift was arrived to de basement
suddenly, electrical supply cut off
luckily we haven't get into de lift
if not, sure we trapped in de lift
de electrical supply function again after a few mins
arrived pizza hut
order done....
we ordered de latest new promotion pizza set n Hawaii Tuna
both in LARGE size
4 crunchy spicy chicken wings
n 1 chocolate b'day cake~~

electrical supply was cut off again when we were having pizza
luckily all de orders were served
some customers stil waiting for deir pizza
but de oven is not function >.<
it was hot(lack of electrical supply)
n we can't finished all de pizza
just take away be our dinner^^
photos of Sanyan under no electrical supply is taken after we leave pizza hut
we shopped until de electrical supply recovered again(30 mins after)
photo after been taken again to show de b4 n after^^

4 of us went to pizza hut for ahWei's 21 years b'day celebration
cannot determine it was lucky or unlucky for us
we parked de car in de basement
we walked to de lobby for de lift
for a long time we waiting for de lift
yung listen on de lift door
"ting", de lift was arrived to de basement
suddenly, electrical supply cut off
luckily we haven't get into de lift
if not, sure we trapped in de lift
de electrical supply function again after a few mins
arrived pizza hut
order done....
we ordered de latest new promotion pizza set n Hawaii Tuna
both in LARGE size
4 crunchy spicy chicken wings
n 1 chocolate b'day cake~~

electrical supply was cut off again when we were having pizza
luckily all de orders were served
some customers stil waiting for deir pizza
but de oven is not function >.<
it was hot(lack of electrical supply)
n we can't finished all de pizza
just take away be our dinner^^

we shopped until de electrical supply recovered again(30 mins after)
photo after been taken again to show de b4 n after^^
October 30, 2009
Great experience to bridge site visit

it is really great^^
i learned a lot thru tis visitation
a presentation was presented by Mr.Ting
de consequence methods to build a bridge are clearly explained by him
we are served in good treat
meals are provided for us during break time
we get to de bridge construction site too
de bridge has 11 floors high
we climbed up by using de steely staircase
steel bars n machines just beside us
Mr.Ting explained more detail structural in de site
de most important was:
it is a brigde construction
de previous site visit i had folo all is in building
although it is not related to AR
but, at least de site visit is diff. for tis time
i really gain a experience in tis site visit

October 27, 2009
trapped in the library
it is heavy raining outside
so cold
Strong wing blew until de library glasses door opened
de class was postponed to 3pm
donno wat to do now?!?
actually i have a lot works to do
but which shd i start wif?!?
i miss my bed
i miss my pillow
i miss my blanket
i'm sleepy~~
OMG~~i 4gt closed down my windows when i went out just now
Wind + Raining now
my bed sure get wet!!
wuwu... :'(
so cold
Strong wing blew until de library glasses door opened
de class was postponed to 3pm
donno wat to do now?!?
actually i have a lot works to do
but which shd i start wif?!?
i miss my bed
i miss my pillow
i miss my blanket
i'm sleepy~~
OMG~~i 4gt closed down my windows when i went out just now
Wind + Raining now
my bed sure get wet!!
wuwu... :'(
October 26, 2009
light in class sot!!
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