as i oways stay in front of my laptop
click here n der to learn de archicad
my right hand was very painful
lyk de nervous has been pulled
i couldn't sleep well lastnite
n forced to wake up in tis morning to go office for half day
sat down n started to click again
until i off..
really really tired >.<
so tis afternoon after my lunch
i'm watching a movie from 12.30pm until 6.00pm ++
i wan relax..
den,ned to get start to de archicad 2mlo
i'm late in de progress

y u so care ur boss. don hiu he la. haha, u c me, go to kuching no hiu the training , haha.
actually i wish too but i can't,
cz i wan learn de archicad.
i'm stil not good in it.
if i stay at home,
i won't knw all of tis.
at least i can ask Tan in de office
but i ned relax too.
i'm contradicted..
i'm leaving b4 de end of march.
i wish to finish my work b4 tat
but de boss oways change tis n tat,
makes me ned to delete all de things i had draw not easily b4.
really take time for me to draw agian as i'm not good in archicad
gt a chn proverb said '万事起头难' everythg gt it hardness, jz we reali make sure wat we wan in future...if tat d working life u wan jz go if dnt oso dnt so fas upset...stil gt way to chg ba~n u stil young to do so~gambadeh!!
Haha~agree..although tired, after office hours, sure watch movie for almost 5 hours..keke
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